"It's All About Detail"
Mobile Detailing Serving The Tampa Bay Area

Affordable Boat & RV Detailing Services

Prices subject to vehicle condition and size

Boat and RV Pricing Exterior
Exterior Wash
Exterior Dry
Exterior Wax
Only $14/ft

Boat and RV Pricing Interior
Vacuum Interior
Wipe Down All Surfaces
Only $15/ft

Boat and RV Detailing Information

Boats include many different materials, from fiberglass, gel coat, and canvas to stainless steel, chrome, mahogany, and teak. A thorough detailing job on your powerboat or sailboat may include washing, scrubbing, cleaning, waxing, polishing, rinsing, varnishing, sanding, and a variety of other types of cleaning work on your boat.

The nature of boats and their usage means that they need regular cleaning and detailing. The UV rays of the sun, the heat, the salt water, fishing residue, oil and fuel spills, cooking fumes — all of the environmental exposures and normal use of your boat plays havoc on every exposed surface.

Auto Detailing
Boat & RV Detailing
Motorcycle Detailing
Customer Vehicles
Gift Certificates
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